Connect and configure Growatt SPF inverters
Follow the steps below to connect one of the following inverters to SolarAssistant:
- Growatt SPF range (SPF ES, SPF TL HVM, SPF TL LVM, SPF T DVM, etc.)
- Sigineer
- Sacolar MHP range and SP range
- Richsolar RS-H3048 or H3000
Step 1 - Connect inverter monitoring cable
a USB Type B cable plugged into the inverter port that is usually located at the bottom of the inverter.

Step 2 - Configure SolarAssistant to connect to a Growatt SPF inverter
On the configuration page, select "Growatt" as your inverter model.

Devices connected via USB will show up. Select all ports that are Growatt inverters.

Click connect:

Troubleshooting - Unable to establish successful connection
If your inverter is showing up in SolarAssistant as a "ACM0" USB device then please let your SolarAssistant device run for a few hours while it installs the latest Growatt drivers, then click "reboot" on the configuration page to reboot SolarAssistant. The USB device should change to "XRUSB0". If it remains as "ACM0", please contact us.
If you are unable to get a connection, please try the official PV Keeper software from a laptop. SolarAssistant reads the inverter with exactly the same mechanism as this software.
Troubleshooting - Unreliable connection
Over the years a massive amount of Growatt SPF inverters have been produced. Some were produced with good quality communication components while others are unable to establish reliable communication. What some users have reported is that communication works but drops out every few days. Unfortunately the Growatt SPF doesn't have any other monitoring port other than the USB port. Most users have reported the best results with shorter shielded USB cables that have ferrite beads.