Grid provider - Europe


SolarAssistant can source grid pricing data from the following sources:

  • European Power Exchange (EPEX)
  • Nord Pool

If you enable it, the current electricity price per kWh in Euro cents is displayed on the dashboard as shown below.

Display Interpretation
Grid available with planned Eskom outage scheduled A green electricity price indicates the price is currently lower than the daily average.
Planned grid outage A red electricity price indicates the price is currently higher than the daily average.
Grid available with planned Eskom outage scheduled A black electricity price indicates the price is currently close to the daily average.

When navigating into the grid icon, the "Price premium" and "Day ahead prices" is displayed as shown below. The Price premium is the difference between the price and the daily average price.

Grid dashboard
Planned grid outages

Step 1

Select "Advanced" on the "Configuration" page.

Advanced configuration

Step 2

Set your grid provider to EPEX or Nord Pool.

Select Europe EPEX Spot grid provider

The purpose of the Price multiplier is to get the price closer to the price you are paying your grid provider. A price multiplier of 1.0 is the wholesale electricity price which is most likely much lower than what you are paying. In order to determine the correct value for you, we suggest adjusting and revisiting this setting multiple times as you become familiar with the functionality.

Where does the data come from?

The data is sourced from a public API of each grid provider. SolarAssistant will query the API every hour for the latest data. The query is made to the public API directly and does not pass through SolarAssistant servers. The data is provided "as is" without any guarantee that it's correct.