Axpert King inverter
Axpert inverter

Convert from ICC, ICM or SMH to SolarAssistant

Switch to modern, robust, real-time solar monitoring and control via web, Android and iPhone app.

Steps to convert to SolarAssistant

Axpert monitoring dashboard
Axpert realtime charts

1) Use your existing Raspberry PI and monitoring cables

Any hardware that worked with ICC, ICM or SMH will work with SolarAssistant.

2) Setup your device

Follow our easy getting started guide. If you use a new SD card you can keep your ICC, ICM or SMH installation to easily revert back by simply inserting the previous SD card again.

3) No monthly fees!

We do not have any monthly fees. This includes our remote access facility. We will not start requesting a monthly fee in the future.

Remote monitoring and control

Axpert remote access

Web, Android and iPhone

Remotely monitor and administer your site via web or our mobile app. All functionality is available via web and mobile.

Multi-site access with a single login

Via the SolarAssistant platform you can get a list of all your sites and access them with a single login. A must have for solar installers.

User administration

You can invite new users to your sites which will send them a welcome email that prompts them to set a password. Password resets are self-service via email.